Sunday, April 8, 2012

Moving On!

Today was the last day of my employment at the church. I won't go into details, no need to. I will say, I am experiencing disappointment, some sadness, but also relief.  As Ecclesiastes states there is a time and a season for evetrything under the sun.  I thank our Lord for grace to handle the change in seasons!

Now my question is...Whats next?

Happy Easter!   He


Anonymous said...

Greetings, friend,
It is always hard to make a transition from a well-known situation to one that is new and unknown. I hope you will continue to thrive as you leap into new adventures in this year. It is a pleasure reading your blog. As the year progresses I hope to join you as you explore different avenues. I hope this journey is wonderful.
Brother Bear

Robin Larkspur said...

Chalk up another learning experience, take from it what you can, and move on with bright optimism. No regrets.