Since I introduced this subject in my last post, I want to share that after much thought, and prayer. I decided it was safe, and appropriate for me to come out to the Pastor I work for. So I did! I set a meeting with him, and we sat down and I told him. It does not get any easier, especially with what might be at stake. He did not seem surprised, and we had a good discussion. He was affirming, even stated my being gay maybe part of the reason I was called to the church. "for such a time as this" The only thing he did ask is that if at some point I find myself in a relationship to let him know. So that if it were to come up he can say that he knew.
We had Session, last night. One of the conservative members of the church wrote a letter to the Session asking that there be an official response and position concerning Amendment 10A. This person would like to see the church become part of a "fellowship" of PCUSA churches being formed to "stand for Biblical standards". No action was taken, not much discussion either, I think the focus is on examining the biblical texts involved and going from there.
I have to say my gut tells me this "fellowship" of Churches could be the begining of a new Denomination. Only time will tell.
Life’s A Banquet!
“Life’s a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!” ~ Auntie
Mame While I absolutely adore ‘Auntie Mame’, this quote from the movie had
3 hours ago