Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mana From Heaven

So its the time between paychecks.  You know that time when you have paid certain bills, but are waiting until the next paycheck to pay others, and the cash available is for the other bills.  Well this is one of those has to be careful what one does with cash available its earmarked for something important.  I'm thinking there is enough food in the house to get me through, or at least I will make it last and just buy the essentials.  I'm going to walk every where I can and save the gas in the car for getting to and from work. I think, hope and pray I can squeak by.

Then something small but wonderful happens. Where I park my car is near some trees on a grassy area. The other morning coming home from a late call, its windy, and threatening rain. As I pull into the parking spot, I notice something flapping in the grass.  As I get out of my car and walk by it becomes distinguishable.  It's money!  I grab it before the wind can take it away.  I look at it and discover to my surprise, I have "found" a $20 bill!  I look around to see if there is anyone nearby that might be chasing it.  The area is deserted.  I stick that "mana" my pocket and thank God for His provision in my life.  Its a small thing, but significant to me. Now I have $20 to buy essentials if I need to and not touch gas, medication or rent money.  It meets a need not a want, that is why I call it "Mana from Heaven".   He is Jehovah Jireh, The Lord our provider.

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