Today is Friday the 13th of July. In fact it is the third such date for 2012, we will not have another this year. In fact there won't be another 13th Friday until September 2013. Working in health care, I run accross nurses, and others who are very superstitious. For instance saying its QUIET will "Jinx" the shift. today some of them refuse to work and take time off. I do not pay any attention to the hype around the number 13, my mother was born on the 13th and always said it was a lucky day. I am not a superstitious person. Many people are however, and if you are one of them, here is something to think about.
This week, we had a report from the Chief Physician of the Emergency department of the level I trauma center in out area. He did a study on ER visits on Friday the 13th, and found there is no difference in ER visits, injuries, accidents, and such than any other Friday. The only thing that was different, there were a few more penetration injuries, but that is due to a human element and nothing supernatural.
Now for those of you who are Christian, remember once we are in Christ, nothing supernatural, or demonic if you will can truly harm us. We are hidden in Christ Galatians 2. Psalm 91:1 We are protected under the shelter of God.
There is one thing that I heard many years ago and did not pay attention to, but found it held true. Full moons and crazy actions of people. It is true when there is a full moon there are more patients in the Er with psychotic episodes, people doing "crazy things" This also has nothing to do with anything supernatural, or evil. It is an atmosheric effect on people who are predisposed to psychotic episodes, and reactions to atmosheric pressures. Much like the "down" feeling we often experience when there are multiple consecutive days of foul weather.
I say to Happy Friday the 13th!