Today I feature another song sung by John Legend (I am a fan) but also Alicia Keys. They sang this together at the tribute for the Beatles. There is significance to this song, in the words, "whispering words of wisdom Let it be" Do you have something in your life, your heart and mind today or this week you should just let it be?
Phil 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your request be known to God, and the peace of God which we cannot comprehend will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus our Lord"
My paraphrase, Worry about nothing, prayer instead and give it to the father, and ho do thoughe will give you peace. Another way of saying it...give it to God and let it be.
That is not always easy to do though. You just do it as much as you have to in order to let it be.