My opportunity to share my journey out of the closet to being a liberated christian gay man. Some of my experiences I hope will help me express myself clearer, and perhaps help someone else.
June 30, 2019
So what's the significance of June 30?
For those of you who are interested, June 30 is the date by which I plan to
submit my novel to several publ...
Fear of Defilement??
The reading from the Gospels for today’s Daily Office is the passage from
Mark where Jesus calls out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and scribes over
how t...
My Blog Has Moved to Wordpress
Thanks to all those who've supported this blog over the years. I'm moving
over to Wordpress with a slightly different format. Hope you'll join me
Fear, trembling, and new paths ahead
I'm getting ready to move, to end a job, to get rid of most of my stuff,
and step into something new. And I don't know what it is. I'm trusting
i'll know...
Today I feature another song sung by John Legend (I am a fan) but also Alicia Keys. They sang this together at the tribute for the Beatles. There is significance to this song, in the words, "whispering words of wisdom Let it be" Do you have something in your life, your heart and mind today or this week you should just let it be?
Phil 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your request be known to God, and the peace of God which we cannot comprehend will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus our Lord"
My paraphrase, Worry about nothing, prayer instead and give it to the father, and ho do thoughe will give you peace. Another way of saying it...give it to God and let it be.
That is not always easy to do though. You just do it as much as you have to in order to let it be.
There seems to be a controversy around this song. Some say Meghan is bullying skinny girls. Personally I don't see it that way, the message I hear is everyone is attractive. So I featured this song today for that reason.
On this Labor Day 2014, I hope your day is filled with satisfaction from the fruit of your labors. Be it a job, family, education achievements, or some other personal achievement.
Welcome to another Monday. Today something a bit different... a classical song by a modern composer Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich.
I know I have not posted much here lately, too much going on and it seems not enough time to put into words here to express it all. I shall as I can.
Hope you enjoy the music.
This is a great theme song for this series. Very fitting for this program. One of the big differences between this and the original British series is the addition of Raymond Tusk, fitting since America is a Capitalist nation.
This is the original series I watched and enjoyed. I was excited when Netflix created an American version and I am enjoying watching the program. I recommend watching the original series, but you might not get inot it after watching the American version. But try...
Monday Medley Returns. Sorry for the absence. Its been a rough few weeks. I am glad January is over, and look forward a better February. Hope you enjoy todays selection!
This song always reminds me how thankful I am, and where my thanksgiving belongs. Not much to say today, I am very busy working, and working on my paper, as well as preparing for my exam. I decided I have to turn off the TV, usually background noise is helpful, not right now its a distraction. If you pray please pray for me in my completion for this class.
Blessings to you
Today being the Monday following Communion Sunday, I try to share a song or hymn of Faith. Don't always post it but I try. Today I am sharing an old hymn titled "Love Divine All Loves Excelling"
Hope you enjoy. Next week a current song oof choice will be back in its place!