Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Free Saturday

Well for a change I have not just a Saturday, but a weekend off!  I am glad, and resting.  However, I have worked straight through since Thursday a week.  With the exception of last Monday where I came home early.  It was a busy week, and last night I was on call but there were no calls! My diet is going well for the most part, but I tend to cheat from time to time.  I am trying allow myself a full sugar dessert once a month, that I enjoy.  However, my tastes have changed, and I don't enjoy it like I used to.  A waste of carbs and calories if I don't enjoy it!  So my next sweet day will be Easter, I am going to try and pick something I know I will enjoy.  But that day I plan on having and and a small bake potato. 

Yesterday, I was in the gift shop and picked up a book titled "A Guide for the Christian Counselor" as I thumbed through it, I noticed the section on Homosexuality.  It was disappointing to me, but I was not surprised.  It used all the standard Scriptures that condemn the homosexual.  It made me feel a bit unsecure, but I went back through my struggle and reminded myself of the conclusions God gave me that led me to accept myself as a gay man.  The "counseling" guide makes the assumption being gay is a choice.  That is a wrong assumption.  Enough said.

Well off to enjoy my weekend!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Medley: "Montana Sky" by Whiteheart

As usual the first Monday after the first Sunday is a song of faith day.  I worked all weekend, on call Friday night with a call in the middle of the night, and I worked a 24 hour with calls Saturday night.  I am exhausted today!.  I had planned on going to a Vesper Service at 5 yesterday, BUT I had a call at 1505 and ended up not leaving  until well after 1600.  So I missed the service since I am 35 miles way from this facility, and there were traffic slow downs.  As usual. 

Well next week is Holy Week Already. Hard to believe, Easter will be here.  The winter was long, slow, cold and snowy! I am glad its April.

Hope you enjoy the song.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Welcome April!

April is finally here, and I hope this longish, snowy, cold winter is finally ending.  I heard on the news that the Cherry blossom festival in Washington DC, did not have the cherry blossoms. They are blooming now.  I noticed on my walk yesterday the trees that are normally leafed out by now here locally are just starting to bud. The Pear trees are just about in full bloom, a few weeks late.  Better late than not at all!  I am afraid the pollen is going to be a problem this year. 

There are a few issues I wanted to blog about, but did not have the time to formulate my thoughts into writing.  Now its seems like too late to write those thoughts into a post.  Time to move on to other issues I think.

Investment update, the stock market was so so in the first quarter of the year.  Today we begin a new quarter and hope for better times.  Of course we cannot always expect the stock markets to be always positive. the bull will give way to the bear from time to time. Or there are bubbles in particular sectors.  I have completed a re-balance of my Roth portfolio, but the new stocks I want to add are expensive, so I will wait for those to moderate their price.  I have added some fixed income mutual funds that are no load, no transaction fee funds.  I did consider moving my Roth to another firm that charges less for trades. However, when you add the cost of transferring and other fees, it was not worth it, and would be a wash. 

401K, my employer is changing from one investment service provider to another. This is on top of a 2012 change in how they match my contribution, and the defined benefit they provide.  So I will need to evaluate how I am invested in light of what this new provider offers. Maybe it will have something better to offer. 

That is all to share for now.  Happy April!  Happy Spring! 


Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday Medley: American Authors - Best Day of My Life (Official Video)

This was a good weekend, rained but I was off most of the weekend.  I am behind on my blogging, now I have to choose what and when to blog in between work, and all the things I need to get done.

I hope we have seen the last of winter it is spring after all!  The week ahead will be a busy one but tha is normal. Hope you enjoy today's music selection.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Read, Read, Read!

In an interview the other day on CNBC, Warren Buffet made the statement that he reads many pages every week.  Between news, financial reports, professional writings he reads several hundred pages a week.  One of his assistants, and a mentee of Mr. Buffet, stated he reads about 500 pages a week.  Wow!

Now that is not to say that if you read 500 pages a week you too will be successful in business.  But it got me to thinking...

I should read more than I do, more than the news, more than what is required for any class I am taking.  Here are a few examples of  reading material I am looking for

First Spiritual, in the form of Bible and devotional reading apart from any class I am taking. I already have a few of these books to recycle in my reading.

Second, work and church related.  Possibly a general Christian/religious news magazine and a professional journal related to Pastoral Care and Counseling.

Third, a business and financial news magazine to give me ideas, guidance in my finances.

Then fun reading, mystery and other books of interest. 

Read to expand my mind, my knowledge, my opportunities.

Perhaps you have or need a reading plan?  Consider it!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday Medley Part 2: In Honor of House of Cards (2013) Intro Credits Theme - Jeff Beal

This is a great theme song for this series.  Very fitting for this program.  One of the big differences between this and the original British series is the addition of Raymond Tusk, fitting since America is a Capitalist nation. 

Monday Medley Part One: In Hoor of House Of Cards - UK

This is the original series I watched and enjoyed.  I was excited when Netflix created an American version and I am enjoying watching the program.  I recommend watching the original series, but you might not get inot it after watching the American version.  But try...

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day 2014

Big historic news in Virginia for same Sex Marriage.  A Federal judge has declared Virginia's ban on same sex marriage unconstitutional!  Now of course there will be an appeal so any actual changes will be a long time coming if it ever comes.  Still its a victory! 

Happy Valentines Day to all, but I say Bah Humbug!  Guess because I don't have a Valentine.  If you do enjoy the fruit of the day!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Medley: (Get yourself a bad boy) - Backstreet Boys

Backstreet Boys is one of my favorite groups.  I have a number of favorite songs, this among them.  I am praying the Jetstream and vortex moves north and gives those in the grip of these storms and extreme cold relief. I am also praying for the southwest to have much needed rain.  Will you join me in praying for this?

Hope you enjoy the song.