Well I awoke at 03;30 this morning and looked out. No snow. When I awoke and looked out the ground was covered! We have around 7 to 8 inches on the ground. Its exciting and fun. I did not expect the forecast to work out, I hope we get enough that people are not expected to be on the roads.
Its very dangerous, I have never driven on snow and don't plan on it now. people around here drive like there is no snow, ice, or rain. They are NUTS! I canceled the service at the assisted living, but I'm supposed to be on call tomorrow night. I'm nervous about that.
I did go out and walk around, it was cold, wet but pretty. The snow makes it very quiet, but it has stopped now, RATS. I want it to snow enough so the Governor will declare a curfew and not allow people on the roads.
We shall see.
Mockarita Madness
Preliminary planning for this year’s BroSox Adventure began on a dismal
rainy night at La Mexicana Restaurant and Grocery Store on Central Fucking
Avenue. ...
2 hours ago