Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

In Memoriam for Nelson Mandela,  A man of change, a man who led a nation to change, and example of what forgiveness and hope can accomplish.

"Difficulties break some men but make others. No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps on trying, one armed with the hope that he will rise even in the end."   A quote of Mr. Mandela.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Time For New Christmas Traditions.

This  is the year for me to begin a few new traditions.  Nothing really wrong with the old ones, good memories, but I feel the need to add some new ones. Make them mine, there is one tradition I want to continue.  On Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, my family always lights candles, fire in the fireplace and has goodies.  I don't have a fire place but I do light candles, its a way of being connected with  family across the miles.  

The new possible traditions are attending a concert at one of the local Opera houses, attending the Botanical Garden light show, attend Christmas Town in Williamsburg.  I want to continue a tradition I once had, of walking Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg decorated for Christmas.  just a few possibilities to consider.  Not sure what if any new tradition will take hold. 

I don't think I will be placing lights outside this year.  It will be the first time in a long time, but don't think is worth it where I am now.

Stay tuned! 

Monday Medley: On Tuesday. Jason Derulo "Marry Me" (Official HD Music Video)

Pardon the tardiness...better late than never.  I had a busy weekend, mostly on call but also working on a term paper.  Which is now finished and sent YAHHHH!   Next week is the final exam, but tonight its time to relax.  Next week will start the Advent music. I'm a week late oh well.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Its Black Friday!!!


So what its Black Friday?  Are you shopping til you drop?  NOT ME.  I used to work Retail and that was enough, and I have never gone shopping on Black Friday.  Too many people, too much hype, potential for problems. nothing I need that bad, that I have to camp out for a week to buy. I'd rather stay away and eat leftovers!  What about you?  If its your thing, more power to you!  Oh and I am sad a family holiday is increasingly being encroached upon by stores opening on Thanksgiving.  Again nothing I need that bad!



Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013!

1 Thessalonians 5:18A  "In everything give thanks" 

This Thanksgiving I have so much I am thankful for. I thank God everyday, but particularly on Thanksgiving day. Let me count my blessings

1 My health, that I am able to get up and go, have my mind.
2. My job and money coming in to pay bills.
3. A roof over my head.
4. Clothes on my back.
5. Food on my table
6. Medication in my cabinet.
7. A car to drive and gas to put in it.
These are tangible things there are intangibles like...

Family, friends, good memories, gifting, a calling, spiritual blessing.  Too many things to mention here!


Thanksgiving Day Dinner \\\The turkey from yesterday lol

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Medley: Thanksgiving Edition, "Thankful Heart" Petra

This song always reminds me how thankful I am, and where my thanksgiving belongs.  Not much to say today, I am very busy working, and working on my paper, as well as preparing for my exam.  I decided I have to turn off the TV, usually background noise is helpful, not right now its a distraction.  If you pray please pray for me in my completion for this class.
Blessings to you

Sunday, November 17, 2013