Monday, December 23, 2013

An Early Christmas Present

This past weekend, I received an email from my professor.  He was returning my final with comments and my grade.  I was very pleased with one comment he wrote on one of my essays.  He said said I did an excellent job explaining  both the facts of the question and my position on the issue being discussed.  That was the issue of religious diversity.  For the test I earned an A, for the course I earned a B!  I am very pleased, it was work, but now I am one course closer to that MTS degree.

Today, I turned in both my grade report and my financial statement to my employer for Tuition Reimbursement, as well as my application for the next course approval.

Sometime next spring, the Seminary will receive word of accreditation approval of its retooled Master of Divinity.  When I see how it has been changed, if it allows more clinical courses, like Pastoral Counseling; I may switch to that degree.

Its a good early Christmas!

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