Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Medley: Usher and Pending Move

Good Monday! Two more days until I move to a new apartment! I'm ready emotionally, but not particularly with everything.  I'm not making a big deal about this move. One different aspect of this move is the addition of a room-mate.  Never thought I would have a room-mate, but I believe this is the right person for me to share an apartment with. The right time and so forth.

Today, I want to share a song by one of my favorite performers... Usher.  I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gay Marriage and the Episcopal Church

As a Christian who happens to be gay, I follow with great interest anything denominational organizations say or vote on pertaining to equality for the GLBT community. Three such declarations have occurred this summer.

First, the Presbyterian USA General Conference debated and voted against changing language in favor of same sex unions. Well since the local Presbyteries must ratify it, and then can interpret the rule according to majority vote.  I don't think it makes much difference.

Second, the Methodist Church at its General Conference, decided not to change anything about its policy toward the GLBT community. They even strengthened policy to state that the local churches cannot vote to or publicly disagree with Church policy. If I read the statement correctly.

Then there is the Episcopal Church, which recently approved the official blessings of Same Sex Unions. This denomination was one of the first to ordain women, the first to have an openly gay Bishop. This church is on the cutting edge of cultural change and acceptance. I think they seek to be faithful to Biblical teaching in regards to what is truly important. Model the acceptance Jesus Christ sought to bring.  They are one of few denominations who are open to our community.  Perhaps will have the opportunity to reach our community.  If I were not already credentialed and it was not such a long road to change, I might make a move. I applaud the Episcopal Church welcoming the opportunity to minister to the LGBT community.

Again same sex marriage is about love between two men or two woman who make a family.  I am glad they have done this. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

In Memoriam: Marvin Hamlisch

If you ever doubted to power and impact one person can have in this world...Think of this one man.  he gave us  music that has shaped our musical world, the music of movies.  He gave us memories.

As another famous entertainer use to sing "Thanks for the Memories"

The music of Marvin Hamlisch

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Its All About Love

Love is patient, love is kind, is not jealous, love does not brag, is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly, it does not seeks its own... Abide Faith, Hope, Love but the greatest of these is LOVE.
I Cor 13: 4,5,13.

The greatest most lasting thing in life is love. The love of a parent for a child, love between friends, romantic love, God's love for His created, the love God gives for us all.. True love does not propagate hate.  The hate that kills a group of people because they are "different." Hate that denies rights because one is "different."

The issue of Gay Marriage has been made to be a religious issue, a political issue, I believe a hate issue...religious bigotry and hate. Marriage is a human institution, God created man and woman, NOT the institution of marriage. 

The root of marriage is supposed to about LOVE and a commitment. If a same sex couple loves each other enough to want to make that type of official commitment...they should be able to. I thank God a couple gay or straight does have to be married to love and be committed to one another. Not being able to marry is not going to stop the commitment. its about a relationship.

I found a video i want to share, its not about gay marriage but what god's love and faith are supposed to be about.

Love is about relationship, God's love is about a relationship with Him.  Not a set of rules to follow, or a particular organized group to belong to.  Its about LOVE

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Medley: Big House

Happy Monday! Its raining here, blah rainy Mondays.  I just finished what I call a marathon of work hours.  Many hours, which is good since I need the hours, and I enjoy the ministry. It can be draining, and the last 3 days have been very draining.  But today is for self care.

today's song is from the Christian rock group Audio Adrenalin. I love most of their music and find meaning in it. Although this group is no longer together, their music is relevant.  I hope you enjoy.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Chicken and Gay Marriage

Well since I posted my thoughts about Chik Fil A (CFA) seems more has been publicised about the CEO's comments.  There are protests of support and counter protests. In certain parts of the south, folks have responded to a call to show support for CFA, others have responded to a call to counter protest.  In Atlanta its known as the kissing protest.  I am not aware of very large crowds in the CFA's around here.  Though news reports stated business as brisk. There are no reports thus far of counter protests at local stores. RATS, I was hoping there would be a show of support reported around here for gay marriage.

As for me, I have not bought anything from CFA since the statement was made. Partly protest, partly other reasons. A comment was made on my last post (see Eat More Chikin 07/29) about CFA's financial support of legislation against equality. That was very true.  So why should I spend my hard earned dollar with a company that is using that dollar to support groups that lobby for laws that limit my rights as a gay man? 

I have decided  to forgo my weekly  run to CFA for the foreseeable future. I will spend that part of my self care dollar elsewhere. I don't think I can enjoy a CFA meal again anytime soon.

No one should be forced into a corner over another persons belief system! No one should have religion in any form shoved  (excuse me) legislated down their throat.  THIS IS THE UNITED STATES AFTER ALL!!!  Its 2012, we have blended families, married, not married, what constitutes a family has been redefined. A group of friends living together is a family, Extended family living together is a family (unit) and I could go on.

If any couple gay, str8, or whatever love each other enough to make a marriage kind of commitment, be it civil or religious why stop them?  The far right tea party group (and those like them) is creating an atmosphere of fear, hate, more fear and hate. I hope the silent majority will soon speak up and out. Especially get out and vote!

Wow I am meandering on about this issue.  I invite you to comment, (with civility) I also invite you to join me in spending your Chicken dollars elsewhere. Perhaps one day I will be able to legally marry and have it accepted in all 50 states. At least that is my hope, if not for this generation or my life time, but for those in the future.

By the way, legal marriage is a  creation of man.  Creator God did not create the human institution of marriage with all its earthly responsibilities, commitments, and benefits.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Musical Monday

Its Monday once again.  Time for another musical Monday. Today I am posting a song that was very popular a few years ago.  I recently re-discovered this song and thought I would post it here today.

Please check out yesterday's post too, I would like to hear your opinions on this topic as well.

Have a great Monday.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

"Eat More Chikin"???

This past week Chik Fila was in the news, the CEO made public his opinion against same sex marriage. This created a firestorm of publicity for the company, and highlighted the ongoing controversy.  He is entitled to his opinion, and to voice his opinion.  The question for me is this just his position or the official position of his company.  Again, something that is within their right to do.  This company has been known as a christian owned company, with policies in line with conservative christian ideals.  The thing is if it is his opinion, he should keep it to himself as the CEO of the company, because the publicity has impact on company as a whole.  With protests, and counter protests, it can be both good and bad for the company and its franchisees. 

For those of us in the gay community, we have to decide if we want to overlook this opinion and continue to do business with Chik Fila or not.  Many are calling for a boycott and those on the other side calling for support of this business.

For me, I must admit at first, I was turned off and not wanting to eat there any longer.  However,  I like their sandwiches, their service, I always have. I may limit my future business with Chik Fil A but I doubt I will totally stop eating there. After all, I am sure there are gay community members who work and perhaps own a franchise with this company. I don't want to penalize them for the out spoken opinion of their CEO.  It might be different if they were to begin an active campaign of discrimination.

What do you think? 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Music For Wednesday

Its been a busy week.I have hours everyday.  Which is a very good thing.  Right now its feast time for hours. Come September when the new students start, these hours will go away most likely.  For now i am enjoying the ministry.  Since I missed Musical Monday here music for Wednesday. I want it That way by a favorite band Backstreet Boys.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Musical Monday

Happy Monday!  Nothing much to report today, other that the heat has returned.  but its summer so its to be expected. I feel for all the people being impacted by the extreme weather around the globe. Keep them in your prayers, I am.

Today I have selected a song i like, actually I love the guitar in this song.  Its "Just A Dream" by Nelly.  Hope you enjoy!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th of July. In fact it is the third such date for 2012, we will not have another this year. In fact there won't be another 13th Friday until September 2013. Working in health care, I run accross nurses, and others who are very superstitious. For instance saying its QUIET will "Jinx" the shift. today some of them refuse to work and take time off.  I do not pay any attention to the hype around the number 13,  my mother was born on the 13th and always said it was a lucky day. I am not a superstitious person. Many people are however, and if you are one of them, here is something to think about. 

This week, we had a report from the Chief Physician of the Emergency department of the level I trauma center in out area.  He did a study on ER visits on Friday the 13th, and found there is no difference in ER visits, injuries, accidents, and such than any other Friday.  The only thing that was different, there were a few more penetration injuries, but that is due to a human element and nothing supernatural. 

Now for those of you who are Christian, remember once we are in Christ, nothing supernatural, or demonic if you will can truly harm us. We are hidden in Christ Galatians 2.  Psalm 91:1 We are protected under the shelter of God. 

There is one thing that I heard many years ago and did not pay attention to, but found it held true.  Full moons and crazy actions of people.  It is true when there is a full moon there are more patients in the Er with psychotic episodes, people doing "crazy things"  This also has nothing to do with anything supernatural, or evil.  It is an atmosheric effect on people who are predisposed to psychotic episodes, and reactions to atmosheric pressures.  Much like the "down" feeling we often experience when there are multiple consecutive days of foul weather. 

I say to Happy Friday the 13th!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Melody: Mystery Monday

Yesterday was HOT, so I stayed in the air conditioning and watched a "marathon" of Inspector  Morse on Netflix.  Its unusual for me to watch that much TV, but it was truly a day of rest.  I enjoy mystery shows and Morse is amoungst the best.  PBS recently aired a Morse that was set in 1965 when Morse first became a Detective Constable, it showed how he got his start in Oxford. There is a new series sort of a continuation of Morse called Lewis.  With the character that was Morse's sargent now the Inspector. 

In honor of Morse I share here the theme song and closing credits: ,  MorseLewis, Hathaway Tribute

Another favorite A Touch of Frost:

David Suchet plays the best Hercule Poirot

Jeremy Brett Played the best Shelock Holmes ever (In my opinion)