Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Cancer Warrior

There are two definitions of a cancer survivor in use today.  The most common and relevant is the cancer patient fighting and living with a cancer diagnosis.  There is another definition used by the “I Can Cope Cancer Education program,” which states a Cancer Survivor is one whose life has been touched by cancer.  This could be a patient, a family member, or friend, even a health care professional anyone who has a tie to the patient. This is in recognition of the fact cancer impacts not only the life of the one with its diagnosis, but those who are related to the patient in some way. Cancer changes everything for these folks.  Personally, by the second definition, I am a cancer survivor. Cancer has touched my life profoundly as a Chaplain. 
Here I would like to talk about a term used by a friend of mine, which I think speaks volumes about the individual patient’s fight with this insidious disease. Cancer Warrior,  I would define a cancer warrior as the person with the diagnosis who is determined not to be defeated by cancer.  Not to allow it to steal his or her life, joy, or fun. Rather this warrior fights and fights on.  The warrior does not lose hope or the will to live, even in the face of what may look like defeat the fight changes but continues.  
As I mentioned above, I am a cancer survivor by the fact it touches my life through my patients, and those I know. I look back at people I have known in my youth, whom I looked up to, who dealt with this diagnosis.  I think of the patients whom I have known over the years. For Some I was there soon after they heard their diagnosis, and was with them through their battle to remission.  Others I was with them when the battle changed from curative to symptom management.   I am a survivor because I carry something of each of these people and their families with me that impacted me.  As I learned to be present with them, they taught me about living. I received more from them, than what I might have provided. I carry with me the knowledge of their journey as they shared their narrative with me. What I learned from each of them is often used in my work today.  There is more…
I have in my life a close friend who is a Cancer Warrior, the same friend who introduced this term to me. He is one who has impacted my life in many ways over the years.  His approach to life and many of the issues surrounding being gay is teaching me not to take things too seriously and encourages me to live who I am and do what brings me fulfillment.  He is an example to me of moving forward in that he is not allowing his diagnosis to keep him from reaching toward his goals. In fact it may be pushing him forward.  You see cancer is touching my life through him, but in a more personal way than I have ever experienced.  For the first time, someone close to me who I love has it.  It’s different, I find myself thinking about the side effects of the treatments, thinking about how he is handling it all. I know it gets to him, the fatigue, the routine of treatments, going for tests.  There is the hope of remission and ultimately living life cancer free which is a driving force. I want to do all I can to support him through this and celebrate with him in his victory.

My prayer for him is that the treatments will do all for him it can possibly do. That all cancer cells will be eliminated and even washed from his body. For him to live a long and healthy life, free of the thought of cancer.  I pray for him to be enabled to live his dreams of earning his degrees, teaching, writing and being a published author. My hope for his life is healing, and one day the novel he is working on would be on the New York Times best seller list.  Do you have a cancer warrior in your life?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Veterans Day 2012

My father was a Navy Veteran of World War One. We always flew our Stars and Stripes on appropriate Holidays. I always "helped" put up and take our flag down, so I learned at an early age about flying the flag. I always remember on November 11 that it was the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour that the treaty of Versailles was signed ending the "Great War".  Today Veterans Day holds an expanded meaning far beyond the recognition for Veterans of one war.  Today we should think of and pray for all those who currently serve our country all over the world.  We should think of those Veterans who live with their battle scars, be it physical, or some invisible scar they carry with them. Those Veterans who struggle adjusting to civilian life, finding a job, getting an education, living their dreams, coping with injuries.

We need to show them the respect they have earned and deserve. Today remember those who serve our country, who protect the cause of freedom.  Thank a Veteran!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Post Election 2012

Voting on the day. Well its all over! No more political ads!  Several things I want to sound off on about the election, first the long lines.  Knowing this is such an important election, plans should have been made to have more help at the polls, especially with checking voters in. Second, more voter machines would have helped as well. 

Now for the results.  I am very pleased that President Obama has been re-elected.  He most closely represents what I am looking for on tax and social issues especially.  I am pleased our state elected a democrat to Senate.  However, I am not pleased with the outcome of the House race, oh well I guess.  I had hoped for at least a closer split in the House, that the far right wing tea party people would have their wings clipped.  I feel they have contributed to the worsening gridlock we have in Congress. not sure how things will be in the near future, but time will tell.

It appears Virginia is now a 'Blue" state for the most part at least.

Gay Marriage:  Now the really big results for the Gay community!  Same Sex Marriage has been approved by popular vote referendum in two states!  I hope and think this represents changing in views of the general population. My roommate told me about an article he read where in the 90's many did not know a gay person, (reality check, they did not admit knowing a gay person)  In 2012 a large portion of the population says they have a gay friend or relative.  How times are changing, as Martha would say "Its a good thing" 

Lets keep our country, President, Congress and economy in our thoughts and prayers as they seek to lead and deal with issues we all face.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012 Please Vote

This morning I went to go vote before going to work.  I wanted to be there when the doors opened, well half of my precinct had the same idea!  The line was down the street! a very good thing too, but not enough time for me to stand in line and be at work ontime as well.  I will leave work early to vote.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Medley: National Anthem Go VOTE

Tomorrow is a very important day in the life of every citizen of the United States.  It's the day we have the opportunity, privilege and responsibility to get out and vote for the candidates of our choice.  I encourage every reader who is a registered voter in this great country of ours to get out and vote! I intend to be there when the polls open. Know the issues which are important to you, understand the party platforms and where the candidates stand on those issues important to you. May I suggest you pray on your decision and vote accordingly. If your a U.S. Citizen and not registered to vote, I encourage you to register for the next election and vote!

Today in honor of our country and Decision 2012, I am posting the National Anthem sung by the military chorus.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Morning After Halloween

My Halloween was uneventful, nothing exciting happened about it at all. I was not home during the trick or treating hours, nor was my roommate, so I don't know if anyone attempted to knock on our door. No lights should have indicated not to, but you never know.  Today and tomorrow are known as All Saints and All Souls day in the Christian calendar.  Observed primarily by Catholic and Anglican churches, these days have grown to be observed by many in Protestant churches as well. 

These two days All Saints is known as a feast to remember those who attained "Sainthood" though many protestant churches recognize any Baptized believer as a saint.  All Souls is to remember anyone who died.  Now this is not meant to be an authoritative definition but just my understanding, and serves to help make my point today. These two days are set aside as a special time to remember those we love who have died.  Some churches do this at different times during the year, some have blue Christmas service to help folk cope with grief through the Holidays. My individual  church does this as part of the annual Memorial day service where a rose is placed on the alter by a family member of a deceased member. In addition to giving tribute to those who died serving our country. 

This year it seems, has been one loss after another for me and my family. I don't recall a time in my life when I have experienced loss in scope or frequency as I have this year. Each loss seems to magnify the other. One part of grief is the recognition that love does not end when the person loved is gone.  The Bible confirms this in I Corinthians 13:13, "Now faith, hope, love abide, but the greatest of these is love" some translations have is as love abides forever. Love changes over time I think, for instance I have a friend for whom I had romantic feelings in the past that he did not have for me.  There was a grief but I still wanted him in my life as my friend, I still love him but differently.  The love I have for him now is returned by him. 

In the same way, my love for my mother is still there but different now.  There is a sadness attached a bitter sweetness. I wonder how that will change as time passes? I look forward to the days ahead, as my grief heals and changes to the new normal I have read about and share with others who grieve.

Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Though I have not really celebrated Halloween in years, I don't view it as I once did. Its a fun night for the children,  there is nothing inherently evil about the day.  Which some fundamental to conservative folk think exists. They need to study and consider Christian heritage and tradition surrounding both Halloween and All Saints Day. Last year was the first time in a long time I gave out candy, and that was at the church Trunk or Treat.  At home home I don't and won't this year either.  Its not like I have children or know the families in the neighborhood.   This will be a different Halloween for many in the northeast, some communities will reschedule the trick or treating due to the storm damage.  I heard on the news this morning New York Gov. Cuomo said he would sign an order to reschedule trick or treating, and quipped to Election day. LOL!

This year, my thoughts turn to the memories of my childhood Halloween celebrations.  It was always a lot of fun choosing a costume, picking a pumpkin, carving said pumpkin.  I recall the first year I was too old for trick or treating, my sister and I set up the record player and played spooky music out the window for all those who came to our house. Those are good memories. 

In observance of Halloween this blogger shares the images and music below




Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy Is Moving On

Well today the worst of Sandy seems to be over for us here in southeast Virginia.  I think people here did the wise thing in closing schools and workplaces to keep people off the road. We had mostly rain and flooding in our area. the high tide was over 6 feet above normal so flooding was not as bad as it could have been.  I hope people impacted by this storm all up the eastcoast can recover quickly and move on with their lives. We can never underestimate the power of these storms to wreak havoc on our lives.
Keep praying for those effected by the storm. hope for clear skies!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Medley: Storm Edition

It is my prayer and hope that all in the path of this storm be where they are safe from its harm.  I also pray for its strength and effect to deminish as it moves closer to shore, or that it veer to the east and out to sea. For today I thought I would post some calming music to help soothe during this time. Be safe, Be strong, make wise choices during the storm and the days following.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Log Cabin Republicans

Recently the Log Cabin Republicans formerly endorsed Mitt Romney.

Log Cabin Republicans are a group in the republican party who identify themselves as both gay and republican.  Now this being America, anyone is entitled to believe what they want, live how they want, support whatever political platform which suits them. Many have served, fought, and died to ensure this right. I would never deny anyone their rights.  Much the same as I would not want anyone to deny mine as well.  now before I was fully out of the closet, I most often voted republican, and publicly supported the party platform.  However, since those days, the republican platform has moved so much farther to the right, I would not be able to support even if I were still of the mentality I was in the closet.

That being said, I would like to ask, and offer a possible answer as to, how can a gay person actively support a political platform, an ideology that denies his or her rights? That makes one a second class citizen,  a scapegoat if you will?   First, its the choice of the person, for whatever reason. I would like to suggest for some money plays a big role.  Their platform of lower taxes,  fewer regulations on those who make millions of dollars; far outweighs the negative impact of their social agenda on the gay community. On other groups such a equal pay for women, workers rights, consumer rights and protections.

Although I generally vote for the person and not party, increasingly I find myself voting party lines due to the rigidity of the far right republican party.  This is why there is the kind of in civility,and severe gridlock we have in Congress. I hope and pray, our nation goes to the polls this election day and votes in people who will do what is right for the country as a whole and not just for their platform or ideology.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cooking With Gas!

Having never lived anywhere with gas for heat or cooking, this apartment is a new experience for me. We have a gas stove that is old.  It has two settings, high and off LOL.  To regulate the heat, I have to remove the pan and watch to make sure the flame does not go out.  The other day, I was cooking some meat and the flame went out on me twice, so I set it slightly higher. The pan got very hot, and when I flipped the meat over, there was so much smoke it set the fire alarm off!  I turned the flame off and had to open the windows, the door  ect along with having the range top fan on full. I ended up finishing the meat in the microwave.  In the future I will use my George Foreman Grill. Thus far, I have not used the oven and want do some baking as the Holidays approach. Plus I prefer baked chicken, fish and meats as opposed to fried.  So I'm going to try my hand at the oven.  I told my roommate this, he chuckled and just don't blow the place up! haha! So in the next few days I'm gonna attempt to bake some chicken in the oven. I found a lamb shank steak I want to roast, but don't want that to my first attempt at using the oven. It will be sometime soon though, using my mother's recipe and making the gravy.  I did this for Christmas last year and it turned out very well, the gravy reminded me of what my mother used to make! Imagine that, and I cooked it!  I hope I can do that again. 

Wish me luck!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Medley: Mellow Mood

For me today is a thank God its Monday day! LOL. I'm tired, I worked three nights in a row on call and had calls two of those nights.  Plus two eight plus hour rather hectic day shifts.  Sometimes the pager is unrelenting, and I run from situation to crisis and back again.   I can't say my work is "fun" but its rarely boring.  Except for many hours  on call waiting for the pager to sound off. I sometimes think about doing something different, that gives me more of a life outside work, something that when I say what I do, does not turn other gay men off.  but what?   My work can be incredibly satisfying. Though, I have to say, I wish I had this past weekend off to focus on my self care after the news Friday night of my aunt's death. Shortly after hearing the news, I had to answer a page to a crisis.  It was hard for me, looking back, I should have called the Admin on call for help.  Same thing with my two back to back 24 hour shifts. you would think that by now I would have learned to say help and no!  Just glad its behind me now.

Anyway, today is a day to enjoy, relax, it's sunny, cool-ish.  A day relax, do something fun.  if I only had a boyfriend to cuddle with!

In light of today's mood I have selected a long set of relaxing music. About 55 minutes worth, Hope you enjoy it let it wash over you.