Happy day after Christmas! Some headlines in the news concerning the gay community have been talked about in the days leading up to Christmas. I chose to wait until now to comment. I will call this the Good, the Bad, the Ugly. I will start with the ugly so I end todays posting on a positive note.
The ugly: Last week Rev. Frank Schaefer, a United Methodist Pastor, was defrocked by the Pennsylvania UMC Conference court or officiating at the same sex wedding of his son. The United Methodist Book of Discipline prohibits this. They are following the letter of their denomination's law, not the law of love in my opinion. Of course its a theological issue, the UMC is a denomination that has an official position that say Homosexuality is not compatible with Scripture. So its no surprise to me, however it is a disappointment. My heart goes out to Rev. Schaefer and what this means for him. I understand he immediately appealed, which is good. In my view, once called always called, once ordained, always ordained. He can take his Master of Divinity to the United Church of Christ, or Disciples of Christ. I am sure they would welcome him. So much for Open Hearts, Open Doors!
The Bad: In Virginia, the state department of taxation will not follow IRS rules allowing same sex married couples from filing jointly. This is no surprise since they consulted the outgoing Republican Attorney General. There is hope when the democratic leadership takes office in January.
What is Duck Dynasty? I hear it is the most popular reality show in TV? I have never heard of it! Well the individual who is head of the TV reality family made anti gay and racist remarks. He was suspended and the backlash over his suspension does not surprise me. Who cares? I don't, I never watch the show. Sounds idiotic.
For the Good: President Obama is including openly gay athletes like Brian Boitano, who recently came out, in the United States delegation to the Winter Olympics in Russia, which has anti gay laws. This is a victory for the gay community as well as Mr. Boitano, who is now out and will lead the delegation.
We will end 2013, with now 14 state recognizing legalized same sex unions or marriages. Plus the fact that a federal judge has struck down a law in Utah banning same sex marriage. There is a law suit moving forward in Virginia concerning the states ban on same sex marriage.
We also will end the year with more countries legalizing Same Sex marriage. Including the United Kingdom and France!
What will 2014 hold for Gay in the News? We shall see.