Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ground Hog Day

Well its February 2nd, and that means its Groundhog Day.  This predictor is not always so accurate but it is a lot of fun.  There are several now who attempt to predict the end of winter.  Old Phil saw his shadow.  Six more weeks of winter for the northeast.  General B Lee did not see his shadow so a early spring in the south.  There are now 3 others, all saw their shadows. :(  I still hope for moderate temperatures in the coming weeks.  We all need a break!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Cold and Sick Week.

Sorry for no Monday Medley and other potential posts.  I have been sick, an infection snuck up on me and knocked me down.  I am some better not as fatigued.  So I hope to be back to normal soon

Monday, January 13, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Good Time to Hiebernate

Its winter, its the coldest here in Southeast Virginia it has been in 20 years!  We are not used to it!  It dropped from 67 degrees yesterday morning to 14 degrees this morning.  A wind chill in the minus range. It will be warmer tonight only 17 but no wind chill.  This time of year I come home and stay put! Drink cocoa and fall asleep.

I hope you are where it is warm and cozy!

The crazy thing it is supposed to be in the 70's by the weekend!  So goes the roller coaster! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Medley: Song of Faith: Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster

The first Sunday of the New Year. Also the first Sunday of the month, Communion Sunday.  Today I worked at the Nursing Care Center and did a Communion Service, The first of 2014.  As is the custom for this blogger, The first Monday Medley of the Month is a song of faith.  Today a great song Everlasting God.  I hope you enjoy. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday Cartoon Commentary

This was in the editorial section of the newspaper today.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday This and That

The above is because its the January BLAHS, have a laugh! Funniest is UPS driver is being chased around a FEDEX truck!

Its so COLD today here in southeast Virginia, we don't have snow or ice but its only going to be 30 and drop from there today.  I feel for all those who have the cold and snow/ice to contend with. 

So last year, but a News anchor I highly respect came out between Christmas and New Years, Robin Roberts of Good Morning America. 

What's going to happen to Same Sex Marriage in Utah?  The Supreme Court has been asked to stop it. We can only watch and see.

Up in the cold north people were crazy enough to take a polar plunge in freezing water with sub freezing air temperatures!  How many of them are sick now? 

A note from 2013, Pope Francis is more popular than his predecessor.  He had more people visit the Vatican and attend Mass since last March than the former Pope did in his entire time in office.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

WELCOME 2014!!! London New Year's Eve Fireworks 2014 (OFFICIAL) Full HD

I enjoy clocks so I chose the 2014 London Fireworks display to post here.  The most spectacular and record breaking fireworks took place in Dubai. 

I hope 2014 is filled with good health, good progress, prosperity, and more to be happy about than sad about for everyone!!


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Reflecting on 2013 The Year That Was.

As is a tradition, its also good to review the out going years and think of the accomplishments and perhaps disappointments of the year ending. 
This past year, 2013 has been a good year over all, not easy, no year is ever "easy."  There are ups and downs, dashed hopes and changed plans.  However, 2013 was a year of good starts and accomplishments for me personally.  Here are just a few...
1.  My job was reclassified for me in a positive way, 
2. I gained good health benefits
3. I was accepted into and started graduate school.
4. I am not on call as much, so I am sleeping better! Enjoying the sleep!
5. My schedule allows me to attend church more than in the past, so I am visiting some different churches as I can.
6. I am exercising more, walking 2 miles each day, doing stretching and some strengthening exercises.
7.  Learning more about personal investing and adapting to market conditions. 
Just to name a few main things from 2013.
Now in the news in 2013.
2013 was the year of one congressional created financial crisis after another.
2013 we have a new more popular Pope for the worlds Catholics
2013 the Supreme Court struck down part of DoMa, A victory for Same Sex Marriage
2013 saw Same Sex Marriage legalized in more parts of the world and United States.  Including France and United Kingdom.
2013 saw the birth of  a Prince in Great Britain. 
2013 saw more celebrities doing stupid things and getting away with it!  What's wrong with Chris  and Lindsay spending a few months in prison?  Perhaps they might learn something.
2013 the year the markets rallied, and the economy improved.  But too many are still unemployed and under employed! 
2013 the year of tea party republican gridlock.
2013 the year of the Twerk? the Selfie? Facebook's decline among the young. 
What will 2014 bring us?  We shall see! 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Medley: News Years Week Edition Auld Lang Syne - "Happy New Year" :)

I hope your New Years Eve is filled with the celebration of a year gone by, and the wonder of the possibilities of a New Year!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

An Investment Plan

As I stated in the previous post, I want to share something about my investment plan.  Yes, its important to have a plan.  That way there is a direction to what one does.  This year, I have changed direction slightly.  I recalibrated my portfolio by selling positions (stocks held) I held in companies that have not and do not pay dividends.  I reallocated those funds and profits to strengthen positions I already have that pay dividends.  This year, I focused on stocks I want to have for a long term.  Now with the upturn in stock prices, it has been difficult for one like me to purchase the companies I want a price I can afford.  So its little by little, as funds are built up, I invest in a few shares.  Dividends can amount to enough to pay the stock fee or even a share of stock.

Now there is a cost to investing in individual stocks.  So I have a minimum number of shares I purchase.  When considering a sell the price must be enough to cover the fee plus profit. Otherwise its best to hold the stock. 

So for this new year, pending how the economy and markets fare, I am going to invest in mutual funds.  Two types of funds, an equity fund, and  bond or fixed income fund.  I do not have either in my Roth portfolio.  I have not picked the funds yet, but they will be No Load (no initiation fee) No Transaction fee funds.  Also the minimum investment has to be on the lower end to make it an affordable move.  So each pay period I plan on making deposits to my Roth account, and as the funds build make appropriate purchases. 

I also have an add on Certificate of Deposit at my Credit Union that is a long term saving, as well as a small emergency fund. 

I hope that when I get to retirement to have sources of income from Social Security, a small annuity I am vested in, then my 401K, Roth and then long term savings.

I hope these two posts have given you some food for thought about your saving plan.  You build it one deposit at a time. If its $10 or $100 a month, it adds up after a while.  I encourage you to explore your options!