Sunday, April 8, 2012

Moving On!

Today was the last day of my employment at the church. I won't go into details, no need to. I will say, I am experiencing disappointment, some sadness, but also relief.  As Ecclesiastes states there is a time and a season for evetrything under the sun.  I thank our Lord for grace to handle the change in seasons!

Now my question is...Whats next?

Happy Easter!   He

Friday, March 30, 2012

Lottery Mania

Well I have to admit, I caught lottery fever.  I bought a ticket $640 million dollars is certainly  A LOT of money.. So we will see what happens tonight, I am sure with as much hype around tonight's drawing and with millions of people spending a billion dollars or so on the game tonight.  SOMEBODY is going to win.  They say that the chances of winning no matter how many tickets you buy, is 1 in 176 million.  Actually, I don't have any real objections to the lottery, as long as people are reasonable/responsible about how they play. Spending one's entire paycheck on tickets is not reasonable or responsible.  I have heard of people doing that.  Or buying tickets instead of medicines, or food, or some other need is also unwise.

But buying a reasonable amount of tickets with money not needed for something much more important is not a problem in my book.  It does have some entertainment value, dreaming about what you would do with the winnings, joking with others about your numbers, and such.  Plus I saw a breakdown of where the $1. goes.  Something like this, .52 cents goes to the winner, .06 cents to the retailer, .09 cents stays with the lottery authority, with the rest going to some need in the state.  Here in Virginia, Education is the winner of that money. 

For me reasonable is buying one ticket, that's all I need, a chance...1 in 176 million. Not playing guarantees not winning. I did not stand for hours in a long line to buy it either.  Perhaps I will win one of the lesser prizes? I would be happy with $250, 000, or even $1000.  We shall see what happens tonight..

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day 2012



Thursday, March 15, 2012

Feeding the "Pig"

 The Story of my piggy bank.  As a child I always had a piggy bank, as an adult I have put the change from my pocket in a mug or cup.  A good habit to develop! When it got full, I would roll it and either deposit it to a savings or use it for something. Several years ago, I found a large size piggy bank on sale, and bought it.  I just kept "feeding" it until it was full, almost a year's worth of change.  (Also I never pass up a coin on the floor or ground, it feeds the pig)

I had been saving to buy a large screen TV for sometime, one was on sale, but also a surround sound and Bluray.  I did not have quite enough saved.  Then I remembered I had not emptied my bank in quite some time. You would think I hit the jackpot!  It held enough along with my savings and a paycheck with extra hours, to buy the TV, Surround, and Bluray! ALL ON SALE! It paid to wait, save, and time my purchase for the closeout sale. 

Since then, I keep feeding that pig, almost everyday.  Whenever I empty it, I think of that purchase and how even pennies add up to make a difference. Patience, discipline pays off.  So I happily feed the pig. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday To my Sweet Niece!

You were born today. I won't say how many years ago.(it would be impolite to mention a ladies age)  I remember that day well, your grandmother, who was there for your birth, called to tell me you had arrived.  Such excitement!  You have brought much joy to our family and made us proud.  I remember when you were two, you sat on my lap and I read to you, you picked out colors, and objects and even recognized a letter. Such a smart girl! look at you now! All grown up, married, working in a responsible position.  A beautiful little girl turned in to a beautiful young woman.  I think of you, your husband, and your brother every day.  My prayer for each of you each day is for your success at what you do, protection everywhere you go, satisfaction and happiness follow all through your life.

Today is your day, today I thank God for you, and ask he give you joy, peace, protection, and much happiness.

I love you  Happy Birthday
Your Uncle

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Post valentine Day Thoughts

Yesterday my mother's memory was very strong. Our mother's are our first Valentine after all, a mother's love transcends all but agape.  Each Valentine, my mother would bake a delicious chocolate cake in a heart shaped pan. Usually with pink icing,  it was special.  That is a memory I will carry with me and think of each February 14th for the rest of my life. This year it was a memory filled with both sadness and also sweetness. 

Yesterday was also a day where several friends reached out in different ways and cared for me. that was special.

So day by day, piece by piece I continue the work of grief, (which is really just beginning) as do the members of my family whom I think of daily. Each day is better in some way, some days are hard at times, but this too shall pass and cherished memories will remain.  I am glad to say amidst the grief through prayer, Scripture, devotional time there is peace.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Happy Valentines Day 2012. I hope it finds you with the love of your life, or at least love in your life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Ground hog Day 2012

I enjoy February, it means the seemingly dead of winter January is over, there is a looking toward spring.  Plus in Feb. we have today Ground Hog Day, Washington's birthday and cherry pie, and of course Valentines day. My mother used to make a chocholate cake in a heart shaped pan for valentine day.  It was a tradition, as was a cherry pie on Washington's birthday. Oh the pleasant memories...

Today Feb. 2, 2012, the ground hog predictions are mixed, Phil saw his shadow, more winter, the on Staten Island and General Lee in the south did not see a shadow, so less winter. It will be interesting to see which one actually happens? 

Either way, I think there will be payback for all these nice warm days we have had.  I do feel for those who make a living in winter.  You know the snow plough drivers, ski resorts, even the teenagers who shovel snow.  However, the lack of cold and wintry weather enabled myself and my sister to travel to our mother's side before she passed away from us.  That was a blessing.

I say Happy Ground Hog day to you!

Monday, January 30, 2012

About My Mother

Early Wednesday morning Jan 25th 2012, my beloved mother passed away very peacfully.  She was 96 and had several health issues, but at her age still had her mind. she was keenly aware of the things that interested her, such as the birds that visited the feeder at her window, the weather and what would be blooming or growing, what should be fixed for dinner according to the time of year, what would be nourishing. The activities of her children and grand children.  Those were important to her.

My Mom had a long, good, life, starting in Montreal, Quebec where she did many things among them, piano, singing in church choirs, and community Oprah.  She was a lady of principle, graciousness, faith, love, a true saint. I will miss her very much.  I rise and call her blessed!

As for me, slowly I will pick up and carry on toward a new normalcy as we call it in grief share. Toward the life that I am called to, the path that is for me. I am comforted by my family, and friends who call and care for me. I am comforted by the memories of a life well lived that spoke life and love into my life. I am comforted by the Scripture where Jesus says "I will never leave you nor will I forsake you"

Mom, I rise and call you blessed before God and humankind.

Soli Deo Gloria

Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 Veteran's Day

Today we celebrate our Veterans!  I recall as a child helping my father fly our flag each Veteran's Day.  I learned about our country, my family heritage, and about the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month 1918, when WWI ended with the Armistice signing. Today we have military members fighting two wars, we have veterans of those and other wars struggling with health issues, finding jobs, and moving forward with their lives. Other than my vote, and voicing my support for our veterans to my senate, and Congress members, there is not much I can do.  However,  I always fly my flag on special days for our nation. Today I continue a tradition my father taught me and I am flying my flag. In honor of the service all our Veterans and military members.  But Especially for the members of my family who have served from the Revolution to current day. I say THANK YOU!

Specifically to James, Branden, Chantal, Charles, George, my father,Thank you.

Also on this day I remember those service members who suffered because of Don't Ask Don't Tell and the policy that was before it.  I celebrate the removal of that barrier.

Enjoy your lifestyle? Freedom? Vote? Thank a Vet!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

National Coming Out Day

In honor of National Coming Out Day, I want to say congratulations to all those who are on  their journey of coming out.  Its tough at times, but it DOES get better. To those who have made that journey I say lets keep moving forward. I'm glad I made the journey! I thank all those who have supported and encouraged!

My Three words  "I CAME OUT"  Here is a link to the song "Good Life"

Happy October

Its October already! Where has time gone? I remember when I was a child, I was always excited when October came...because of Halloween, dressing up and trick or treating. It was fun and I think it still is. As an adult, I have rediscovered Halloween in the last few years. You see when I was in a fundamental place, Halloween was dispised as a night for the devil and evil things.  in those and many christian circles it still is. Now we still did fall festivities to provide a safe place for children on Halloween night but it was viewed differently.

A few years ago I was on staff at a church that had an All Saints day service, which was a new experience for me and helped me rediscover Halloween. Last year for the first time I participated in Trunk or Treat at my church, you should have seen the elaborate decorating of the trunks, it was fun and most of all a ministry to the kids and their families.  I'm going to participate again this year. Since it is October, I'm including a video by Timbaland I think is appropriate for October. I like Timbaland, he is down to earth.  I hope you enjoy it.