Monday, April 18, 2011

2011 NOT 1511

This is 2011 and I am so glad! The reason for this is simple, we are post renaissance, post reformation, post industrialization and products of the 20th century.

As a result we have a path to individual freedom and responsibility, a path for anyone to achieve his or her goals. to find their path, their way to life, love, God, or even happiness. For me personally, the opportunity to discover who I am and grow spiritually, emotionally, professionally...My path. More so than I did or could 10 or 15 years ago!

The church where I serve, has a Wednesday Bible study that is a prime example of this. We operate on the premise that this should be the place where one can come and ask any question, share any ideas and thoughts or experience without fear of being ridiculed. what I have witnessed thus far, it is, all are honored. We think deeply,pray hard and usually come up with more questions but we look to the Bible and the Holy Spirit for guidance and are not disappointed. In this group most are from our church, we have some who attend regularly from the Catholic church, the Methodist and Lutheran churches in our neighborhood. Some of the conversations we have, the ideas we consider, if it were 1511 and not 2011 would have us burned at the stake I'm sure. There is a freedom in that!

Yet, it is 2011, and still in parts of this world we have terrible oppression. Economic, political as well as religious oppression. In parts of this world the oppression of women and children is a way of life. There are death threats that are carried out based on religious belief. Even in these United States we have various forms of religious oppression, and its OK because of religious freedom. Or is it? In most cases folk submit themselves to it through a set of ideals they are taught and can escape when they become enlightened. In some cases if they are allowed to ask, and seek...At least in theory. Yet there are parts of our country where a set of beliefs are held to, if left unchecked, will carry our nation and legal system down a very difficult path. We must require all persons no matter of religion, race, creed, to live by our laws, and under our constitution. Yes, I am talking about Islamic communities in the United States. I hope and pray for a reformation of Islam, especially of fundamentalist Islam. Then we have people like the leader in Florida who burned a Quran, and the Westboro Baptist folk who picket everyone who is different than them. How does that show God's love? or love at all? It serves only to propagate hate often under freedom of religion, speech.

Galatians 3:28 and following "In Christ...there is no longer, Jew or Greek, Slave or Free, male or female, all are one in Christ..."

Think about it please.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Library

As a student, teacher, one with an inquisitive mind, I have a personal library of various theological books. In the past these books consisted mostly of conservative authors, until I began to grow out of that part of my life. Now when I buy a book it usually is from a more liberal and or reformed perspective. Lately I'm interested in reading about universal and quantum theologies. The teaching at my church has challenged me to think outside my baptist box more so than I already do.

As a result I have started purchasing a series of commentaries for my personal use. the Interpretation Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching. I am buying one a month, possibly more depending on the price I find. That is the fun part, searching Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CBD, for the best prices. I have purchased used in like new condition for as little a $7.00! The best way to buy.

I am also trying to sell a few commentaries I have that are bits and pieces of very conservative authors series. I have a complete set of New Testament by Hendricksen which I like and will use. I also have a set of Old Testament that is technical and useful in lesson preparation.

This has been and continues to be an interesting process growth for me.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sundry thoughts

Spring is here! I think, we do have a cold front coming through tonight. Who knows what that will bring us. Just a few weeks ago we had summer like weather one day, then winter like weather the next day, complete with sleet and snow flurries!

There are a number of things I have wanted to write about recently, but have lacked the time and exact words. Amongst them about the church I serve, my thoughts about things political, and there is the Rob Bell controversy.(I like Rob Bell) I will get to these at some point soon.

Next week is Holy Week, it will be a busy week! I am looking forward to the various services, but its extra work. I will be serving Lord's Supper Thursday night,it will be by intinction, and we will have a dinner afterward. The Session at my church has allowed me to serve Lord Supper, (I have served twice) and also serve as Liturgist. Both usually done by Presbyterian Elders.

My spring flowers are blooming, I see flowers and trees blooming all over. its such a pretty time of year. Hope you can enjoy it.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I really like this song. Sometimes when I am discouraged about things in my life, be it work, health, finances or other issues that bother me. I will look this song up on the internet and play it. I hope you enjoy it. Its a good thing.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Musings

After a brief foray into the 50's, the thermometer is starting to plunge again. A cold front came through last night and whisked away the warmth. One nice thing is it took the clouds with it! At least the predicted "rain/sleet/snow" never materialized. It moved north for all those in New England who have already had more snow than is typical in winter.

One interesting point, Yesterday I noticed a flock of Robins in the apartment yard. Wow back so soon? Just passing through? Does this mean an early spring? Well who knows.
On another note, I attended a meeting last night at a Hospital for which I work. Chaplains are an interesting bunch! I heard another Hospital (not in a system I work for) Is looking for a flex pool Chaplain. Its close to my apartment, but I'm not interested. Its only 8 hours a week, plus some on call. The interesting thing is they have had 50 or more applicants. People seem to be working hard to get into this field, but around here the jobs are few and you can forget about full time.
With Healthcare Reform? Budget cuts? Who knows

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Plantdom!

Plants are wonderful, soothing, and enjoyable. I was looking around at my plants, and counted 20 plants in my container garden both inside and outside. Its quite a task to water them all; but I love it. One day some will be planted in my own yard. I have a few plants flowering right now. (pictured below) among them are a Begonia (brought in from the patio in the fall) an African Violet, my Peace Lilly just finished a cycle of flowers. Outside I have three containers of Pansies in blossom, and my Camellia has numerous blossoms. My newest addition is a little Holly plant. I also notice my Rhododendron has a few big blossom for this spring.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Power of the Internet

This past week we heard in the news the results of what is being called the "Twitter Revolt." Where Twitter was used to encourage, organize a revolt against the repressive regime in Tunisha. You know what? IT WORKED! Wow, the internet has grown to become such a powerful tool. The key word here is tool. Twitter is something I have thought was useless progigation of trivial information. Here is accomplished something very big! It can be a good thing or it can be not so good to down right dangerous. a positive tool, to find a job, a place to live, research for education, research products. It can also be a tool for negative as we here so much more about. The question is where do we go from here? That is answer I am looking for. My hope is the internet and social networks will be used more often for good.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


A Happy 2011 to everyone! I hope you had a safe and exciting celebration. Me? I actually slept in 2011. That is until I was called at 02:00. When I was on the road, I noted there were quite a few cars on the road at that hour of the night. People on way home from parties.

I hope 2011 is filled with positive experiences and good health, and anything negative is out numbered by the positive!
I encourage you just as I encourage those for whom I work, to keep praying, (I Thes. 5:17) Pick a new devotional to read through this year,have a reading plan, dig a little deeper into the Scripture. Consider using a study guide or commentary to help with this. Dig deeper, grow stronger in 2011.

Be Blessed and safe!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas 2010

To all who view this blog, here is wishing you a blessed and merry Christmas! Be safe, may you have all the things that make Christmas special for you.
Let Your Light Shine! Peace

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Purpose of Being Sick

Sometimes your body says "Just STOP" I am there and its both restful but frustrating because there is sooo much to accomplish! Decorating I should do so I have Christmas at home. Shopping to do so I can get a box or two off in the mail. Then there are work related projects, its Advent after all! I did get the Advent Devotion completed, ended up doing three printings! I participated in Bethlehem Walk on Sunday, the local TV news came through and I was on the local news! Of course they did not broadcast my lines, I was a Rabbi. There are extra hours at the Hospitals too. I missed the Christmas lunch there! grr I hate missing out of food. However, I am stuck at home with no voice, and a cough. The good news is I don't have a fever, don't "feel" sick. Just low and squeaky voice, with periods of tiredness and the occasional cough attack. It is improving but slowly. I guess my body is saying it needs rest, no on-call, no meetings, no 12 hour shift. Just research online, reading blogs, napping, catching up on a book about Quantum Theology. more napping, feeding my news Habit and more napping. BORING, I'm ready to go back to work.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Busy Season

December is here! Wow where did time go? Next thing we know it will be January. This is the first Advent and Christmas season at the new church job. This church is unique, they do so many different and very creative things. This weekend is a gift to the community program about the birth of Christ. This program is done together with the Catholic church across the street! Next week there is the Christmas concert, lessons and Carols on the 19th. That night we have our staff dinner at the pastor's home. Christmas Eve, there will be two services. I will be on call for the Hospital both Christmas and New Years Eve. then I am working in house for both Holidays. So on Christmas I will be on call from the church for the Candlelight service. New Year's Eve I will be on call from a friends house.

It will be a busy month! so ready...set...GO!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Elephant in the Room: Election Results

Now that the election is over, and we are a few days out of it. I want to comment. First, I will be very interested to see the data on voter turn out once all the numbers are in and tabulated. There is a lot of talk going around about the anger of the voter, but anger at what or who? The fact is if you look at WHO is going to Washington and be in the majority; its the SAME old faces. The same old politics, the same old policies. One race, Ohio voters are sending to congress the man who was Budget Director in the Bush Whitehouse. The Republican party will be in control of the House. I strongly believe it was these Republican policies of less government oversight that brought about the various conditions which led to our economic crisis. These angry voters are sending the same old same old back to Washington!
You can do the same thing over again and expect a different result.