Sorry for the infrequency of posts, but life is hectic! In previous posts, I have mentioned the church I serve part time. Church work/ministry is a don't ask don't tell kind of working situation for a minister who is gay. As long as they dont know for certain it can work. You may have heard the PCUSA has past Amendment 10 A. Concerning Ordination of both Ruling and Teaching Elders. Although it does not specifically say it, this amendment to the Book of Order or Constitution, could open the door to Ordination of Gay and Lesbian Elders. It removes the marriage between a man and woman clause as well as the fidelity and chastity clause. It puts more emphasis on gifts, call, and preparation as well as making the decsion on ordination a local issue. Rather than mandating who, what, when and where. I thnk its a very good thing and could raise the bar on ordination.
Now this has caused quite a stir in the church, but my parish...not so much. That too is a good thing. It has created a dialogue particularly in the Session.(governing body) The Pastor with whom I serve is very gay friendly, as I said before we have a few members who either are gay or have family who are. Our Session has a Bible study the last 30 minutes of it's monthly meeting. For the next few months Scripture related to the issue of Homosexuality will be examined and discussed. I hope a positive consensus can be reached! Please check back for part two of this post.
A Year of Look-Backs
“I understand very well how it is possible sometimes to slander yourself,
to admit to all sorts of crimes solely out of vanity, and I have a very
clear ide...
4 hours ago