Sunday, September 15, 2013

Monday Medley: Jason Derulo "The Other Side" Lyrics

Another week is starting, new opportunities, new challenges.  Hope you enjoy the song!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

25 Years Ago Today My Nephew

Twenty-five years ago today, my nephew was born!  Hard to believe Nickarus is 25 years old.  Happy Birthday to Nickarus.   And many many more!

Tonight there will be a good dinner, and a piece of cake, perhaps a glass of wine in your honor!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In Memoriam of 9/11/2001

Twelve years ago today our world changed dramatically.  Many lives were lost, those left behind had their lives shattered.  The loss of husbands, fathers, sons, daughters, wives, friends.  Today, Patriots Day, pause to reflect, remember, pray.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fall Convocation!

Today I attended the Fall Convocation for the school I am attending.  it was a nice service of Worship, with music, prayers, and a Homily by the Dean of the Seminary.  During the service the entering students were recognized by receiving a piece of towel, a tradition at the school, it represents the towel which will be received at graduation.  The towel represents the servant hood of the minister. The example Jesus set by washing the Disciples feet.

The Dean's message this morning spoke to me, he has diabetes which he ignored for quite sometime and created a health crisis for him.  This crisis led him to a year of recovery, and reflection culminating in his call to the Seminary as Dean.  I can relate in a number of years ago, I had a health crisis which led me to change course in my life.

Today is the official start of the semester for me, I will be attending my first class tonight. It is Philosophy of Religion. 
Here are a few pictures of the Convocation Setting.


The above picture is of an electronic calendar outside a classroom, each classroom has one and it shows the classes, meetings for each day in that room. This new facility is high tech! 
Please pray for me as I embark on the journey to complete this degree.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Graduate School: The Adventure Begins!

Today I attended the new student orientation for the Seminary where I will be working toward my Master's degree. It was an interesting day, finding the places I needed to be at the time I need to be there was a challenge at times.  That part was stressful, I got lost once, but made it to the place just in time.

We started out at the Morton Library, with orientation to the Library, kind of boring but information will be useful in the near future. There were introductions to the Seminary President, Dean, Registrar and financial aid representative. There were a lot of pictures taken, one of all the attendees, these pictures are to be used for advertising and promotional material. 

There was a nice lunch, where we met our Academic adviser's, and fellow students. It was a nice time.  Then the drive home! Got stuck in traffic as usual!

This semester I will travel to campus once a week, and I am taking one class this semester to start off. It will be Philosophy of Religion, which should be an interesting subject, and lends itself to the work I am currently engaged in.  

Here are two pictures of the inside of the Library. from the top floor looking down over the main lobby. and the ceiling. 


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Monday Medley: Maroon 5-Love Somebody (Lyrics) Happy Labor Day

enjoy the music!
Today is Labor Day 2013! A day we celebrate the opportunity to work, earn a living, and  the opportunity to work toward goals and dreams.  Lets Celebrate, I celebrate by working!


September Sweet September!

The calendar has rolled around to September again.  I love it!  It means autumn is near, I love autumn as much as spring.  The colors, the coolness in the air, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all around the corner. Oh and its my birthday month! Yep will be a year older blah! I'm going to think of it as being a fine wine, gets better with age!

Today, I missed going to church all together, I had planned on going, but was not sure where to go, then thought I would just go to my home church.  Then a friend contacted me last night and we made plans for this morning that precluded me going to church. Then this morning, those plans changed again, and I missed out all together.  On the other hand I relaxed, walked three miles and got laundry done. 

Church, I wish I could find a church I can be at home in as a gay Christian.  A church that is affirming of me as gay.  They are out there, just hard to find. So I still want to visit around. Which I will on a regular basis. 

Diet and Exercise My friend is inspiring me to be more regimented in my diet and exercise than I have been,  I need to pay more attention to amounts and what I eat.  Now that I am only on call 2 nights a week and not running back and forth like I was, perhaps I can do better. I hope to be in a better sleep pattern, that is a key to healthy metabolism. My friend Branden is making progress and living healthier and exercising.  He is blogging about it as well, check his blog out and encourage him and perhaps be inspired yourself!  See the link to his blog below, or click the link on the sidebar of this blog.

Happy September to you all!


Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saturday This and That

Its the last Saturday of the month, its Labor Day weekend.  As usual its truly a Labor weekend for me, I was on call last night and had calls, so I worked.  Monday, Labor Day I will be covering the Trauma Center in our area during the day, at least I won't be on call! Today and tomorrow I am off and going to relax!  Of course church on Sunday, but what church? mine or visit another? Decisions.

The weather has been unusually cool for our area for this time of year. I like it, but I hope we don't pay for it later.

Gay in the news!  Some exciting developments this week:
  • First, Wal-Mart is extending benefits to the same sex partners of its employees, that is good news.  Makes me want to shop there more!
  • Second, the Treasury Department is going to allow deductions/exemptions for same sex partners (married/civil) no matter whether the state in which they reside has legalized same sex marriage.  This is due to the Supreme Courts overturn of parts of DoMa!
  • In addition to this, a California federal Judge has ruled that the Department of Veterans Affairs can not ban married same sex couples from receiving benefits their heterosexual counterparts now receive. Again thanks to the Supreme Court ruling. 

  • Lastly, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be the first Justice to officiate at a Gay wedding.  This takes place today in Washington DC, she also hinted that next month there will be another gay wedding she will officiate.  Exciting to me! 

 Progress is being made!


Friday, August 30, 2013

A Few Hours at the Zoo

Last weekend I went to the Zoo with my friend, we spent  a few hours wandering around and seeing what there was to see. It was a great day weather wise, not too hot!  I told him he could go in the reptile house alone when we come to it.  What was the first exhibit we went  to?  Yeah the reptile house.  LOL I went in.  BAH Icky!

I was surprised to see a Honey Bee exhibit, but was glad since they are so needed.  Next to their exhibit, is a nice rose and various flower garden.  There are some wonderful flowers in these gardens! Some very old and glorious trees as well.   It was very relaxing!

Here a few pictures. Next time I think I want to take pictures, I must remember to take my regular camera,  the one my phone is not that great for these kind of pictures.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Medley: We Can't Stop

Good Morning,  Wow it feels like fall this morning!  I enjoy fall, but its still August!  It was a great weekend, went to the Zoo with my buddy.  I actually relaxed for a change!  I enjoyed going to church yesterday as well.  I was going to go to a church that is gay oriented but did not get up early enough.

I start my class in two weeks, and attend the new student orientation next week!  I am excited to start something new and feel this is  a bigger start for me.  I just feel like its going to be something special.

Today I share We Can't Stop hope you enjoy

Monday, August 19, 2013

New Jersey Law!!

There are now two states which have enacted laws banning gay conversion therapy for children. California being the first state to pass such a law.  Its a good thing to protect children, plus the reality is this therapy does more harm than anything and never truly changes anyone. In fact, there is a higher instance depression, and suicide among teens in this kind of therapy.  To tell you, at one time early in my coming out, I looked into this kind of therapy.  I am so glad I decided against it! 

Several significant points I want to make about this New Jersey law are the fact this law was signed by a Republican Governor.  Not only that but Chris Christie attached a note saying he believed people are born gay.  That homosexuality is not the sin it is purported to be by mainstream Christianity.  What a break from his party! What a break with his Catholic background. Perhaps a smart move if you want to run for President? This is a significant event!

Now I hope more states enact similar laws protecting children from this kind of "therapy" or what I consider abuse.  This is progress!