Plants are wonderful, soothing, and enjoyable. I was looking around at my plants, and counted 20 plants in my container garden both inside and outside. Its quite a task to water them all; but I love it. One day some will be planted in my own yard. I have a few plants flowering right now. (pictured below) among them are a Begonia (brought in from the patio in the fall) an African Violet, my Peace Lilly just finished a cycle of flowers. Outside I have three containers of Pansies in blossom, and my Camellia has numerous blossoms. My newest addition is a little Holly plant. I also notice my Rhododendron has a few big blossom for this spring.
Sound the Siren
Music on the wind, swooping in, nestled among fantastical feathers. Color
seen through the darkness, impossibly bright, and glowing brighter as the
breeze ...
2 hours ago