Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday This and That

As I sit here doing my morning computer tasks, I am listening to the President speak on the devastation of the tornado's.  I can not begin to imagine what it must be like to lose everything like that.  I know the fear weather can cause, where I live is prone to hurricanes, which can be devastating as well.  Still I cannot imagine losing a home, and possessions' to such a storm.  Everyone in the path of these storms, who have been or will be impacted are in my prayers. For practical ways to help visit the Red Cross web page. Also keep in prayer those who respond to help that they be strengthened, and enabled to provide the help needed.

A few days ago, I received an offer of a debit card, and a proposal to promote the card on this blog. It was a card that donates to marriage equality, and LGBT issues.   I gave it some thought at least briefly, but decided that was not something I wanted to do with this blog.  I write here to share my journey, to put forth  my own agendas not someone else's agenda.  So no $25 for me, no promotion here.

Seminary update, I am in the process of selecting my classes for next year. I have enough cash squirreled away to pay for one class. So I think it will be on campus Old Testament for the fall. I may continue with the second half of OT in the Winter Term or perhaps an online class since I won't have to travel. I am looking forward to this portion of my journey.

Once the weather is more stable on a day I have time to get out and work in the patio "garden" I will have some pictures to share. I have taken a few already but will share those at that time as well.  I do miss a yard to putter around in.
Stay tuned! 


Monday, May 20, 2013

A Classical Monday Medley

Today is a warm, cloudy, with some rain kind of Monday.  For my on call last night there were no calls for two Hospitals. Highly unusual, but I appreciated being able to rest. at least apart from my normal waking to "check" the pagers. The only downside, is  no call back pay, but rest is just as nice. 

Today, I want to share some classical music, just my mood. Its a medley of classical runs about nine minutes, listen, relax, reflect, just CHILL. 


Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Medley: Stay Rihanna

A mixed Monday weather wise, it cooler, overcast,  rain possible.   Just have to see what the day brings. I was on call last night, but NO CALLS! Very unusual for this particular hospital.  I even woke up in the wee hours and called the Hospital operator to make sure no one had tried to call. Fortunately no, I rolled over and went sweetly back to sleep. 

Next Sunday I will be on call for two Hospitals, so I think I will be making up for this no call night.

Today I am sharing a song by Rihanna Stay


Hope its a good week for all

Friday, May 10, 2013


I check my blogger dashboard frequently, mostly to see the blogs I follow. Its interesting to see where the readers are from, some all over the world.  As well as the posts they view, I only wish there were more comments or dialogue.  I guess there is not much to say?  I started blogging to express myself, and write about my journey out of the closet.  I also wrote about some of my experiences, and hope and dream for a relationship.  My blogging has evolved overtime to include not only my personal journey and thoughts on gay issues, also anything that comes up I want to comment on.  a regular post I started is Monday Medley, where I share songs I like. some by a theme, others are random selections I hear on the radio. 

The milestone?  This blog has had over ten thousand views!  I hope some of my blogging will give a different perspective on being gay and Christian. Sometimes I blog to express myself and invite your thoughts, experiences, to see if I am off track, on track or whatever. 

I thank you for your interest in my blog, your comments, emails, encouragement. Please keep reading! Speak once in a while!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Micro Eco System

The apartment complex where I live shares a lake with another complex next door.  Its a nice large lake which attracts a variety of wildlife.  The time of year when birds migrate, one can see all manner birds, it can be interesting.  A pleasant walk around the lake can be an interesting experience. Recently, I saw an example of the food chain in nature on our lake. 

On a recent morning walk, I witnessed something out of the ordinary.  Being spring the population of geese has swelled, the nesting geese have hatched their young.  Its cute to see the families waddling around the complex. however, on this particular morning, I saw a goose family on the lake. I stopped to watch as they swam by. There were 6 goslings when I noticed the 4th one in line, was pulled under the water by something. the parents had a fit.  Apparently, something, most likely a bullfrog  made a meal of the gosling! I felt for the parents as they frantically searched for their baby and got the remaining babies to the safety of  land. 

Then on an evening walk this past weekend, I witnessed another sight.  There is a gorgeous white egret or loon that visits the lake frequently.  I saw it that evening near the fishing deck, I paused to try an take a picture of it with my phone's camera.  In a split second the bird dipped it's head in the water and came up with a big frog by the leg, and took off with it!   I have never seen anything like that before in my life! I was startled but in a strange way thought of it as nature's payback for the little gosling. 

A great example of the Eco system at work.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Medley: Songs of Faith, Come Thou Fount

Today I begin a once a month Monday Medley post titled songs of faith.  I thought it appropriate since this is the Monday after the first Sunday of the month. In many churches who do not celebrate Communion or Lord Supper each week, the first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday.  So in a nod to my faith background, my ongoing faith and work, this Monday Medley is a song of faith. 

Just as I enjoy all types of music, I enjoy all types of Christian music.  From traditional, praise and worship, to  rock, even Christian rap.  So here is an opportunity for me to share some of my favorite hymns, songs, and perhaps highlight something different.

Today an old favorite I remember singing as a child, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing


I wish you peace


Friday, May 3, 2013

Gay in the News

What a week or so of news for a world wide gay community!

 First France, legalized Same Sex Marriage nationwide, unfortunately the vocal minority took to the streets which led to violence.  That is sad  a major victory for marriage equality to be marred like that.

Second, for the first time we saw a pro sports player still playing come out of the closet.  What a big bold step for Jason Collins! I hope he will not be discriminated against in the coming season or in the promotional contracts he could have in the future.  I was struck by and could relate to  how relieved he said he was.  Just the opportunity not your mind, and spirit. to hide who you are, is a load off.  I have experienced that relief.  It is a  sweet relief and release. Way to Go!

Third, Rhode Island became another state to legalize Same Sex Unions, the difference here is without religious protections so that could present a problem in in the form of litigation in the future. Still the fact another state approved marriage equality brings the number of states to 10, plus the District of Columbia and three Native American Tribes.  Three states it was by popular vote!

 Then,  Jóhanna Sigurdardóttir, Iceland’s outgoing prime minister and the first openly LGBT person to head a national government, leaves a mixed legacy, with advances on gay rights but only partial success in addressing the nation’s economic problems.  Still she has made history, I hope her ground breaking position is not marred in history by her mixed results. Some thing's one just cannot help.

Lance Bass has said a member of the group One Direction is "probably gay". Well if which ever one he is referring to is or is not, its not up to him to "out" him.  I don't think that is right, its up to the individual to decide when or if to go public about his sexuality.  Its no one's business if whoever is or is not gay! So a thumbs down to Lance.

That's all I want to highlight for now, Happy Friday to all!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Medley- Usher Dive

Its a rainy Monday.  A good  day to sleep but not able to,  Too much left over adrenalin from my on call.  My sleep was interrupted twice, then I thought I would be called again, so I dozed in my recliner. 

Today I'm sharing the song Dive by Usher. 


Friday, April 26, 2013

Earth Day Prayer Service

Today we had an Earth Day Prayer Service which I was asked to formulate and lead.  The resulting program although short, hit the mark! I was pleased that those who asked me to prepare the service were pleased! I share the program here with you.

Genesis 1:1, 26
For The Beauty of the Earth V.1
Psalm 139:13-17
Prayer of Thanksgiving
For The Beauty of the Earth V.2
Romans 8:18-22, 25 
Beatitudes for Stewards of Earth by Father Ed Eschweiler  
·        Blessed are they who understand that creation is like a beautiful tapestry, with every strand depending on others.
·        Blessed are they who see the beauty of Earth as a reflection of the beauty of God, who creates
·        Blessed are they who do not waste or spoil Earth's resources, which are for everyone, even those not yet born
·        Blessed are they who reverence all created things as sacred: in God's eyes all creation is good.
·        Blessed are they who reverence the air--the breath of God and the Spirit of our life.
·        Blessed are they who reverence the life-giving waters that sustain the Earth's climate and nourish Earth's inhabitants.
·        Blessed are they who reverence the soil that supports our homes and our footsteps and yields abundant harvests.
·        Blessed are they who reverence the trees and other plants that call down the rains, stabilize the soil, and freshen the air.
·        Blessed ore they who reduce what they consume, re-use what they can, and recycle what they can no longer use.
·        Blessed are they who praise God the Creator in their reverent and gentle use of all things on Earth.
 For The Beauty of the Earth V.3
Prayer of Commitment
Father we come before your throne today to commit our lives to the care of your creation. You gave us the earth to use and be stewards of. Now please give us your wisdom to honor you by not abusing what you have created.  Please give us your guidance in doing all we can to restore your creation and use it as you meant it to be used for all generations.  Amen


Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Medley: It Girl

The third Monday in April, you would think spring is well underway, and it is in most parts. Here its a little cooler than usual, but trees are in full bloom, the azalea[s are bursting forth.  Still its chilly!

Enjoy the music and the Spring Day


Happy Earth Day

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sounding Off

The tragic events of the week are on my mind this morning. As I watched the search and arrest unfold on TV last night, I had enough.  I turned to Netflix and watched something else. The loss of life and limb is so senseless, but  it always is. 

One of the reports talked about the perpetrators posts on Social media. Looking for what caused them to be radicalized and carry out terror.  A comment by one of the brothers  was reported, he apparently said he had enough of this country.  If so my response to that... this is the USA, its a free country.  He was free to leave and go somewhere else.  If indeed he did not like it here,  he was free to go where he would like it. However, I know its not that simple.  At least the one at large suspect is now in custody. 

The tragedy in Texas, all I can say is I pray for the families and all those effected by the plant explosion.  I hope the investigation will help present something similar in the future.

Two tragedies that effected two entire communities this week.  


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

For Boston

Yesterday Boston suffered an attack.  Home grown or foreign, terror is terror.  Looking at the news this morning, it appears this was a detailed attack targeted spectators,  people who were there for family and friends who seemed to target were running in the Marathon. 

My prayers are for the victims, those who lost loved ones, their families, the first responders, the healthcare providers, the people of Boston.

Please join me in praying for these and law enforcement who investigate and plan security.